Monday, March 19, 2012

The Restorer Discussion #3...

What did you think about the ghosts in this book?
*the old man who appears when Amelia is with her father
*Mariama and Shani
*Robert Freeman and the differences between him and the others


Unknown said...

One word about the ghosts - Creepy!! LOL Especially, since I was sitting next to a graveyard, in the dark, while reading a couple of chapters.

Note to self: find something else to read when picking up the twins.

I was shocked that Robert Freeman was a ghost and Amelia didn't know it. I can't wait to read more to find out where the story leads.

Christi said...

I think Robert comes to play again in Book #3 because didn't he call himself the prophet at one point? That's the name of book #3. I want to know why he appears so differently from everyone else and how Devlin's family can interact so viscerally through Amelia...

I definitely don't think I could read these books sitting next to a cemetery. I definitely find myself looking at cemeteries differently since reading them too. I notice them so much more...the types of headstones and plots, the fact that the bodies are laid east to west, etc.