Friday, February 11, 2011

Anthologies...Love or Hate??

heya, girlies! This is our last general discussion question before we start talking Goodnight Tweetheart. I plan on putting up our first discussion question on Sunday so READ IT BEFORE THEN! Our discussions  WILL have SPOILERS and we don't want to ruin the book for anyone! ;o)

So for today's discussion, let's talk anthologies...
Do you read them?
Do you enjoy them?
Does it take a certain author in an anthology before you will pick it up?


Christi said...

I am not a huge anthology fan...there is just not enough storyline in them to leave me feeling satisfied, but there are times (like when we are moving) that they are good because it gives me a reading fix with a short amount of time commitment.

I do only pick up anthologies that have my absolute favorite authors in them, but I really HATE it when there are stories that fall within my series' that are included in anthologies...I always seem to read those out of the order and that messes me up. ;o)

Christi said...

BTW, I WILL be picking up this anthology because I love all of these authors...

Plus, you know the super-hot guy on the cover! Eye candy is always good! ;o)

Amy said...

I do once in a while, if it has authors I like and stories I'm interested in, but I don't seek them out. :)

Ashley Newell said...

For me, it's only certain authors. If I LOVE that person's writing and I just have to have more of it, then I'll pick it up. Otherwise, like Amy, I don't seek them out.

♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

Ummm noo I'm not really a fan I must say :)

FibreJunky said...

It depends. When it comes to SF/F, I love a good short story anthology. It's even better if it's a book of short-shorts. Those are great for reading right before bed because I don't get so caught up in a novel that I'm up until 4 trying to finish the whole book when I can't bear to put a novel down.
AFA other anthologies, I usually only end up with them either bought used, given to me, or via the library, unless there is an author I MUST have in it.