Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Edge of Never- Discussion #3

I know everyone is busy with the holidays...
but I have a few more questions for you before we move on to our
January read...
1. Did you predict what was going on with Andrew??
2. What was your MOST FAVORITE part in or thing about this book??
3. What was your LEAST favorite thing about this book or part in the story?
4. Would you recommend this book to others?
Please share why or why not.
Thanks so much for playing along!!
See you next month for another round of reading and chatting with the Chicks!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Edge of Never...Discussion #2

I'm so excited to get to post a discussion question!!! 

The Edge of Never
by J. A. Redmerski

Discussion Question #2...

Hi, I'm Mia, and I want to ask what everyone thought of the point  of view alternating from Cam's to Andrew's throughout the story? Do you feel it enhanced or distracted from their journey? 

That's all! I can't wait to hear what you think. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Edge of Never ... Discussion #1

I have been counting down the days until we start talking about this month's read... now it's December 15 and time to CHAT!
The Edge of Never
by J.A. Redmerski
If you haven't read it yet, I promise you it is worth your time..
an EXCELLENT read!!
only $2.99 for Kindle
Now, let's start the discussion!!
"What compels any of us to do the things we do when deep down a part of us just wants to break free from it all."
This is a quote from Camryn in the very beginning of the book. She is pondering what she is doing with her life and why. Wondering why people fall into routines of going through the same motions day to day, becoming comfortable in what they know.
She turns to her best friend and poses the question...
"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to backpack across the world?"
{to which her friend replied.. "You're starting to freak me out.."}
What are YOUR thoughts on this premise?
Have you ever wondered why we continue with the ho hum of life when there is so much OUT there.. so much change to be discovered right around the corner, if only we break the cycle of daily routine?
Have YOU personally done what Camryn did?
Decided one day... that's IT. I'm out of here... and found yourself on an adventure that was unscripted, unplanned, with no real destination in mind?
Do you think that people can truly "live" that way? With no ties to a certain place.. drifting along through life, taking it as it comes? Is that a path that can be continued on for more than a short period of time?
How does this lend to the direction the story will take?
Did it entice you to continue?
Once she hopped on that bus... I was SOLD... 100% interested in knowing where her adventure would lead.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Edge of Never!! Our December read!!!

Oh Happy Day!!!
Today is December 1...
and that means that I get to unveil to you
our book club selection for this month.
I am super excited to read this one!
It has GREAT reviews.
Can't wait to discuss and see what everybody has to say...
The book for December is called
The Edge of Never
J.A. Redmerski
This cover is absolutely GORGEOUS!!
{If you have a KINDLE, it is ONLY $2.99}
Hope you can join us in reading and discussing!
The more the merrier... feel free to post the link to our blog and share with your friends... :)
The first discussion question will be posted here on the blog around December 15.
Have a wonderful day!!